Monday, July 14, 2008

Moving on

My dear friends,

I doubt anyone even reads this anyway, but I have moved blogs. I've decided to become a tumblr member. You can find me at

I will miss you blogger but I will never forget you!

All my love to you dear puppet, Bye Bye.

-Mrs. Doubtfire

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Break Your Routine

Who knew that something I was told at work (Chili's) would make such a profound effect when applied to real life.

Break Your Routine!

Make life exciting, make it interesting and be spontaneous! Like that cliche saying goes: "You only live once" There's a whole world to discover with so little time. Expand your horizons and enjoy everything and everyone around you. Be Happy :)

Neil and I are proud owners of a Disneyland Annual Pass and rode a horse.

What's next?!?!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Experts say that laughter is the best medicine. After all, it increases your immune system response, lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics, increases oxygen flow throughout your entire body and helps induce a state of relaxation promoting better sleep. The positive health effects are no laughing matter: according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, average blood flow typically increases 22 percent during and after bursts of laughter compared to a decrease in blood flow by 35 percent during mental stress.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Small, simple, safe price.
Rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets.
This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals.
And I am not afraid to die;
I'm not afraid to bleed and fuck and fight,
I want the pain of payment.
What's left, but a section of pygmy sized cuts.
Much like a slew of a thousand unwanted fucks.
Would you be my little cut?
Would you be my thousand fucks?
And make mark leaving space for the guilt to be liquid.
To fill and spill over and under my thoughts.
My sad, sorry, selfish cry out to the cutter.
I'm cutting trying to picture your black, broken heart.
Love is not like anything,
Especially a fucking knife!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I need this!

Hi all just an update on Toby. The surgery was a success but the recovery part is also even scarier. He still cant move his back legs but the doctor said that it will take a while for him until he starts walking again. With the amount of money that is accumulating over time regarding Toby's operation it's begining to be almost too much for my family to handle alone. I've been posting these flyers all over the Internet--different dachshund message boards, CraigsList,, MySpace,, everywhere! I also recylce cans in order to raise a little extra cash. Every penny counts! I'm even going to work full-time at Chili's just to help pay it off! I'm even contemplating on giving up my internship over the summer so I can dedicate my time towards making enough money for the Tobster.

Toby has brought so much happiness to my friends, family, and especially me. I feel like it's my duty to take care of him and give him another chance to live. I'm not giving up on him!

So I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the support, it really means a lot to me.

Toby needs your help!

My dachshund Toby was recently diagnosed with intervertebral disk disease (IVDD). He ruptured one of his disks and had to undergo extensive surgery to help him gain mobility again.

Approximately one in four Dachshunds will experience a disk problem during their lives. Because the Dachshund's back is extra long, the spine is vulnerable to injury. When a dog jumps from a high place, landing first on its two short front legs, the force is transferred down the spinal column from the top, compressing the vertebrae and disks, greatly increasing the chances a disk will herniate, or squeeze out from between the protective vertebrae, compression and possibly injuring the spinal chord.

The price of Toby's operation is gradually going higher everyday he is at the hospital and we need your help! Any donation would be greatly appreciated. For those of you who have pets or have lost one should know how much they are a part of your family and Toby is a big part of ours. We greatly appreciate your generosity and prayers in hopes that Toby will have a successful recovery. THANK YOU!!! in advanced.

All you have to do is click on the "DONATE" button below and it will take you directly to PayPal. Just fill in the amount you would like to donate. Don't have a PayPal account? It's okay we accept all major credit cards. You will receive an e-mail notice that your donation has been completed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Can't wait 'til Toby comes home!!

Today was one of the scariest days of my life! Even though I saw signs of Toby acting not like his usual self, I still did not react to it. I forget that dogs can't tell you how much pain they are in until they cannot stand it any longer. That's why I was surprised to see him lying helplessly in bed and not being able to walk. His heavy panting and rigamortis look made me want to bring him to the emergency room right away. Especially after looking up stuff on the Internet and speaking with an on-call doctor, I knew that it was serious. My parents wanted to wait til morning but Toby's condition looked like he was not going to last all night. I told them to look at him and tell me that you want him to suffer like that and once my Dad took a look at him he automatically agreed with the late-night visit to the ER.

Neil and I rushed Toby to the Sorrento Valley Emergency Vet Care and waited impatiently in the waiting room. It seemed like forever but all I could think about was if Toby was o.k. Coffee couldn't even calm me down. I couldn't even hold the cup from shaking too much!
It so happens that Toby had messed up his spinal cord and required immediate surgery. As the doctor explained to me what happened I couldn't believe it. Toby must be going through so much pain right now. I knew from the second I stepped into the ER that this is not going to be cheap. But I will do anything for that dog...ANYTHING! Money can be replaced but not Toby.
As I saw him for the last time before we went into surgery I had to be brave for him and fight my tears. He'll be fine and I will see him in no time. Until then, please pray for him.

We love you TOBY!